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Bobman's Outside Crown Pics


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  • Senior Member

Bobman -


What's going on man?/ Your results look amazing. Your crown looks pretty decent now. Maybe you should think about restructuring your temples. I think that would give you an amazing look when you comb your hair straight back. Just a thought.



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Just wanted to let everyone know....I may have found the woman of my dreams! Normally I don't share my life like this...but it is a direct result of having a hair transplant. I had recently pointed out a picture of me and my family...and it was me skinny NOT fat...well dressed, y'know. Anyway I asked her point blank if she would have been attracted to me if I had approached her like that and she was honest and said "no way". Shallow....maybe, but physical attraction is physical attraction....I know I wouldn't be attracted to her if initially if she was fat...period. So fellas...I'm really in a good place now....thought I'd share.



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