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Stem Cells-china???

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  • Senior Member

I have heard stories of people going to China for stem cells, since its not legal in the USA.

Is it possible to skip HT and go directly with stem cells placement to grow our own hair? And everything in China is soo much cheaper.

Just a thought, thats all, since I was replying to a post on BHT and this topic kinda pop in my head.

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  • Senior Member

I have heard stories of people going to China for stem cells, since its not legal in the USA.

Is it possible to skip HT and go directly with stem cells placement to grow our own hair? And everything in China is soo much cheaper.

Just a thought, thats all, since I was replying to a post on BHT and this topic kinda pop in my head.

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  • Senior Member

There you go again.

First it had to be an ASIAN doc

Now it's going to China and skipping the whole ht.

You really wanna help out your people, huh?

Where is the love for us whities? icon_mad.gif


No Joe,

if stem cells could re-grow our hair

then EVERYBODY would be doing it

and it would be ALL over this forum.


Man, your REALLY lucky you happened to find this forum and ended up with Dr. Wong, that is IF you don't venture off to China and end up with some aborted fetus's hair rubbed all over your noggin from a pee-tree dish first...

You would have ended up with a HIDEOUS ht and probably a hideous scar too!


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I consider myself a man of science and, as a man of science, I cannot help but cringe every time I hear someone take a bit of science and misapply the applications of said science to anything from hair growth to plumbing. I don't really blame lay people as much as the so-called "science writers" that don't really understand what they are reporting, or they sensationalize a story to the point of science-fiction.


There are many types of stem cells - most of them are totally legal here and everywhere else in the world. The illegal steam cell use you have confused with hair and skin stem cells are fetal steam cells. What's the difference? A fetal stem cell has the ability to take on the properties of any cell within the human body - brain cells (which we do not regenerate can - theoretically - be regenerated with fetal stem cells); fetal steam cells can only be found in the human fetus.


Skin and hair stem cells which you refer to are being experimented upon for hair re-growth potential and are found naturally in the adult human body. Experimentation and usage of these cells is completely legal in the US, although wide-spread use is prohibited as the compounds which experiment on these cells (WNT proteins) are still in the research phase of development and the repercussions of unauthorized use could result in disaster, most suspect among the disastrous repercussions being terminal, rapidly-advancing cancer.


I believe the rumors to which you are referring are the experimental WNT proteins. The exact use, the effects and side-effects of these proteins are unknown. They are currently under development for use in hair growth and are projected by the researchers to be available for human use within a few years within the US (the lead researcher from U. Penn who accidentally discovered the compounds hair genesis potential has started a biotech company with these compounds as the lead development drug, the company is named Follica) - that is, of course barring any unforeseen results in clinical trials. I've said it once and I'll say it again: steam cell manipulation can result in miraculous regeneration they also are known for their unreliable nature - case in point, a French study n the late nineties tried to use muscle stem cells to create more muscles artificially and ended up causing those same cells to create scar tissue.


To put it simply, you're best of waiting for more results and cooler heads to prevail.

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hey, hey check out Mr. Wizard!]


That's a huge compliment. I used to love that show! My first experiment was salt on the ice cubes with some string. lol


Thanks. icon_smile.gif

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Wow! Thanks, Bill!


High praise indeed. I only wish that science and reason had been a higher priority in my life earlier... The rationale that it has provided me has saved me from countless bad decisions and the knowledge I have gained has allowed me to make (what I hope are) significant contributions to improving the decisions and lives of others, in this forum and otherwise.


Oh, and NG2GB: I think I know what women want - at least a part of what they want, anyway... It appears that they want a man that is "wanted" by other women.


Really good article (not at all related to hair loss) on Damn Interesting: http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=919#more-919

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Ah yes! It's called "social-proof".

You were even able to solve an age-old riddle like that one!

Damn, your the Buddha of the Balding Blog!!!

(cyber-space belly rub).....



yeah I know. Me and a friend of mine always make fun of these. It's funny I've actually met a lot of girls through there (Ka'-Ka-KA-Razy ones!!!!)...

Your dead on about the rich, prince charming stuff. One time I posted a fake post just to see the responses. It said something as follows:

"Italian, 48, retired seeking the young beautiful love of my life I can adore and pamper forever..."

$hit!!! I had young sexy girls emailing me there pictures from all over the place within minutes!!!!


Funny Story...

One time I met a girl on CL and told her I was going to give her a hot oil massage.

She sent me her pic and she looked luscious.


Awaiting her arrival, I dim the lights, pop a fresh bottle of wine, and HEAT the oil...

She shows up at my place SIXTY POUNDS heavier than her photo. Apparently, she had an injury and hence the weight gain.

I tell her to wait outside as I "straighten things up" inside...Frantically I dump the wine, turn the lights up BRIGHT, and allow her entry...


She begins to disrobe...

I stare in sheer horror at the pasty, blob of skin before my eyes...

She is awaiting her massage, but like an old man with prostate problems: Im not budging!!!


I rummage for excuses...

"Ahh--ughhhh, the oil is TOO hot!!"

"Ahh---ughhh, let's WAIT!....I---don't want to BURN your skin!!!"....


she is content but has no idea of the state of sheer SHOCK and TERROR Im in.

After about 15 min's of us "waiting for the oil to cool" and me enduring her life story,

I frantically tell her that it is getting too late and she best be on her way.

She gracefully agrees...


Moral of the Story: never trust online pics of a girl!!!!!!!!!

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lol @ "frantically I dump the wine....and allow her entry".


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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