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Who selects the surgeons to be nominated on this site.

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I just wanted to ask who selects the surgeons to be put on this site as being the best. I noticed the surgeon that I am thinking of using is on here but he wasn't part of the selective few about a month ago. His name is Dr White. Did somebody find out something new about him in the last 2 months or so?



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  • Regular Member

I just wanted to ask who selects the surgeons to be put on this site as being the best. I noticed the surgeon that I am thinking of using is on here but he wasn't part of the selective few about a month ago. His name is Dr White. Did somebody find out something new about him in the last 2 months or so?



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I'd like to know the answer to that one too. Also, what's with the ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery). Apparently it doesn't mean anything to be a part of that organization as I see that some the "butchers" are members of that group.

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Dr. White in Australia has been recommended on this site for over a year now.


Below, copied from the web site from "How Doctors are Selected for this Site", is the criteria and limitations to how I select them.



"Weeding through all the hype online to find an excellent hair transplant surgeon can be exhausting and confusing. Often clinics are found online based on how well they are ranked or spend on advertising, not based on quality and value.


Selecting the right hair transplant clinic is a very important decision since quality varies widely. So you need to do your due diligence to make an informed decision based on credible information.


Separating the wheat from the chaff


This site was created over two years ago to provide an online community where people can openly exchange information and learn about various procedures and clinics.


One important feature of this site is recommendations for surgeons who have a demonstrated track record of performing outstanding hair transplantation. These surgeons are chosen and recommended strictly on the merits of their credentials and end results.


The main criteria used in choosing surgeons for recommendation on this site are -


A demonstrated proficiency and commitment to performing large sessions of follicular unit transplantation using microscopic dissection, while avoiding the use of a multibladed knife.

Dedication to doing state of the art hair transplantation exclusively or at least as the main specialty of the clinic.

Excellent patient results demonstrating a high level of artistry, refinement, and naturalness throughout, as well as excellent graft survival and growth rates.

Reputation of surgeon amongst his or her colleagues, former patients, and the public.

Length of time surgeon has been dedicated to performing hair transplantation.

Medical training, depth of background, board certifications, honors, credentials, lectures, and published articles and books.

Value - as determined by quality and pricing taken together.

Those surgeons who are carefully reviewed and chosen for recommendation on this site contribute a modest monthly fee to co-sponsor this online community and display their before and after photos and contact information.


Share your opinions

This site is dedicated to helping you share information on who really has the goods - not just the ad budget.


Important Note - The surgeons recommended on this site are not a definitive list of all the excellent surgeons. But these recommended surgeons will give you a quality bench mark by which to judge all other surgeons and clinics you choose to consult with.


We encourage everyone visiting this site to look as far and wide as they feel necessary before selecting a hair transplant clinic (see below for tips on evaluating clinics).


If you find a clinic that you are very impressed with, please let us know about them by suggesting them for recommendation on this site.



And if you don't find an excellent surgeon in your area, seriously consider traveling to have your hair transplant done right. This is an important permanent decision, one that is well worth traveling for.


Ultimately, the value of this site is based upon people sharing information. That is what will keep it alive, real, and growing. So please join the discussion and learn and contribute.



Considerations in Evaluating a hair transplant clinic

Can the surgeon provide at least one dozen sets of clinical "before" and "after" case photos for your review? Be sure the photos offer good clarity and detail and include "before" views as well as "after" views that allow for critical evaluation.

What is the hair transplant surgeon's reputation among his or her peers? And how many years have they been dedicated to doing hair transplantation?

Can the surgeon provide a list of names and phone numbers of patients willing to discuss their personal experiences? Patient testimonials will say a lot.

Is the surgeon performing procedures in a fully-equipped and sterile outpatient surgical facility designed exclusively for hair transplant surgery?

How many hair transplant procedures does the surgeon perform in one day? Ideally the physician will be dedicated to working on you all day if you are doing a large mega session procedure.

Does the physician perform hair transplant surgery full time or predominantly? If not, the clinic may not have a staff that is experienced enough to successfully perform large sessions of all microscopically prepared Follicular Unit (FU) grafts.

Does the physician use microscopes for the disection of the donor tissue into 1, 2, 3, and 4 hair Follicular Unit (FU) grafts?

Large sessions of all microscopically prepared grafts are a team effort. But how hands on will your surgeon be? Will he or she be making all the incisions in the graft recipient area, which determines the design and hair direction of your transplanted hair? How involved will your surgeon be in the placing of the actual grafts?

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Sharing is what keeps this community vital. Please join in. To learn how I restored my hair and started this community, click here.

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