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Hi there,

Today is my day after surgery.


I finally did it!

Long time ago, when I was sporting long locks, my buddy noticed that I had a spot the size of a one-pound coin. What was once too small went on to become my nightmare. I have nice hair in the front & back - its the crown that betrayed me


After 2 years on Propecia & a few visits to various doctors, I finally went under the knife. Literally, as it was a Strip Transplant. 1000 grafts & few hours later, I'm done.


I have 2 teams to thank-


1. All the members of this forum. But for your posts, I would've got my head (& hair) butchered by Bosley. I consulted 3 of their docs, with each coming up with totally different estimates, when I had a minor spot on my crown.


2. Dr Feller, Dr.Lindsey & their teams

I had a rough idea that its a surgery & not like visiting a salon as shown in the infommercials. This being my first Surgey ever (as I'm not a C-section baby), I was a bit nervous. They made me totally comfortable, playing some Fleetwood Mac (as much as I love Stevie Nicks, I got to say that I'm only 27 & she is not as hot as she used to be).

Growing up under the sun, I got a thick skin icon_smile.gif

The docs & the Technicians had a difficult time as the grafts kept popping up. They showed great patience (& a lot of compassion) in getting me the best results. Hats off to them!


I'm still in the infancy stage of transplant.I'll post some pics once Amazon delivers my camera.

Again, thanks to everyone (esp. for introducing me to Dr.Feller).

I've waited a long time to get it done. Now I got to wait for another 8 months to see my head full of hair!



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Hi Sagaboy

Was it both Drs who done your ht as a team effort.

I`m sure you will achieve the result you want.

Well done for doing your research and making a great choice.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Welcome to our discussion forum community and congratulations on your recent hair transplant.


So who performed your surgery? Dr. Feller or Dr. Lindsey? Or did they both partake in the endeavor?


Also, how many grafts did you receive?


I hope you'll post your pictures by creating a hair transplant photo album and hair loss weblog.


Best wishes,



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Now just be patient and don't let your mind get the best of you during the wait..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Congrats! You got tag teamed by Feller and Lindsey? Thats great!!! They ran a train on that betraying ba$tard of a crown. Vengeance is yours!!! Show us the aftermath of the battle when you get your delivery.

By the way, Im not a C-section baby either. My mom was hard core too!

It took 19.9 hours just for my hair to come out. It took up all of the floor in her room and then spread its way out into the hall-a beautiful brown pompedor. Imagine Elvis but better.

C-section babies:---- you guys suck!!!

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Thanks for your kind words.



I had a double-team workin' on my head!!

I believe that Dr.Feller performed most part of the surgery & Dr.Lindsey assisted him.


I'll post the pictures once I get my new camera delievered. Unfortunately, the one I have now is the first generation Olympus Digital camera I got when I was still in diapers icon_frown.gif


Quick question(s) -

1. From when can I start using the concealers like Toppix/Dermmatch?

I got to meet my clients on Tuesday - which is the 6th day from HT. As my recepient spot was shaved for HT, it is very prominent

2. Any suggestions on the brand of concealers?




(notgoing2gobald - you got a wicked sense of humor mate! Are you from the Carribbean by any chance??)

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I've been told that 10 days post-op is OK, though it is always best to wait as long as you can to allow for an optimal healing time/process. When do your staples come out, btw?


As for the best concealer, I would try Courve on the scar, which I've heard great things about; though, for the rest of your head I think dermmatch/toppik work better.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I'm getting the staples removed next Friday, which is 9 days from the HT.


I have very thick hair in the front/side/back. The HT Recepient spot is VERY prominent. I'm so scared to meet my clients. Has anyone tried something different that doesn't hurt the HT?


I'd appreciate any feedback.

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