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Propecia - 6 month mark


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Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just finally got home from Iraq last month. So... no photos, but I have been steadily reading the forums and I wanted to say a few things about my experience since starting July 1st this year. I was losing hair at a pretty rapid rate. Since getting on propecia, my hair loss has halted almost completely. Instead of seeing hundreds of hairs per day in my hand when I shower, it's down to 10-20 which is probably normal. My hair changed. It got really thin for a while, and then it has begun to thicken. I did go through a pretty good shed, but it was mostly in areas I was already losing hair. This happened around month 2 through month 4. Yes, a long time, but I knew it was working for me. I have had no side effects. My sex drive is great. My penis has not shrunk, actually in all honesty, I think it may have gotten bigger, but probably not from this drug. I think if you are interested in taking a drug, you should come in with the mindset that you wont develop side effects. The mind can play tricks on you. Other than that, I am taking a daily multi-vitamin and a something called MSM. I hope this makes some of you feel better. I am waiting til I have been on this drug for a year before I make any consultations to a doctor for a HT. I'm not sure what my Norwood level is, but I'd have to say that I was losing hair on the crown. I'd call it diffuse thinning and I lost hair on the hairline. I am a 29 y/o male and I noticed my hairloss about 3-4 years ago. I did about 6 months research on here and other forums before seeing a doctor. Do I wish I had started earlier? I'm sure we all do. But, this is the course I'd like to take. In the end, I plan to restore my hairline and continue using propecia to help limit my hairloss. Hope this helps some of you interested in starting some type of hair loss prevention. If you have any questions, don't hestitate to ask.


My regimen -

1mg Propecia daily

1500mg MSM daily

Multivitamin daily

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  • Regular Member

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just finally got home from Iraq last month. So... no photos, but I have been steadily reading the forums and I wanted to say a few things about my experience since starting July 1st this year. I was losing hair at a pretty rapid rate. Since getting on propecia, my hair loss has halted almost completely. Instead of seeing hundreds of hairs per day in my hand when I shower, it's down to 10-20 which is probably normal. My hair changed. It got really thin for a while, and then it has begun to thicken. I did go through a pretty good shed, but it was mostly in areas I was already losing hair. This happened around month 2 through month 4. Yes, a long time, but I knew it was working for me. I have had no side effects. My sex drive is great. My penis has not shrunk, actually in all honesty, I think it may have gotten bigger, but probably not from this drug. I think if you are interested in taking a drug, you should come in with the mindset that you wont develop side effects. The mind can play tricks on you. Other than that, I am taking a daily multi-vitamin and a something called MSM. I hope this makes some of you feel better. I am waiting til I have been on this drug for a year before I make any consultations to a doctor for a HT. I'm not sure what my Norwood level is, but I'd have to say that I was losing hair on the crown. I'd call it diffuse thinning and I lost hair on the hairline. I am a 29 y/o male and I noticed my hairloss about 3-4 years ago. I did about 6 months research on here and other forums before seeing a doctor. Do I wish I had started earlier? I'm sure we all do. But, this is the course I'd like to take. In the end, I plan to restore my hairline and continue using propecia to help limit my hairloss. Hope this helps some of you interested in starting some type of hair loss prevention. If you have any questions, don't hestitate to ask.


My regimen -

1mg Propecia daily

1500mg MSM daily

Multivitamin daily

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