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I want a hair transplant more then anything...but will not get one!

Guest youngguy24

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Guest youngguy24

I'm 26 years old and started losing my hair at 18. I thought I was over it...I'm not =(. I want a hair transplant but common sense tells me if I get one I'm an idiot. Hasson is a great doctor but is not a miracle worker! I'm sure I would look great for 10-20 years!!! But then what? I will eventually have a thin donor. A hair transplant seems like a bad idea once one gets older and has thinning donor! If you search my name you will see I'm a thin Norwood 5 at the young age of 24 (really 22 but no pictures. I try to think I'm lucky...which I really am! I have a loving family and a college education. I'm better off than most but still depressed about where I am with my hair. When Juvista is released I will be first in line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it comes out soon and works.

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I think this post says a mouthful for most people who are suffering from hair loss and feel hopeless as to the current options available.


You are 100% correct. Hair transplantation is certainly a viable option for those who are qualified, but it is impossible to restore a full head of hair.


If you already have a thin donor, a hair restoration physician won't be able to extract as many grafts as with someone with a thicker donor hair density.


Your concept of donor area thinning overtime may however, be a bit distorted. As people age, typically there is a bit of thinning all around (even in people who aren't suffering from genetic hair loss), but in most cases, this thinning isn't obvious. I'm just giving you something to think about.


Since you mentioned Dr. Hasson, have you at least consulted with him? Though reasonable expectations are important, it sounds like you are feeling quite hopeless. The question is, realistically speaking, would the benefits of hair transplantation make you happy? Weigh the benefits with the limitations and risks and make an informed decision.


I understand your frustration my friend. Before I had my first hair transplant surgery, I felt the very same way, hopeless and thinking that there was no hope to restore my hair.


Good luck on your decision making,



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Is your loss "stable"? On any treatments? If your loss has stabalized, and your pattern is pronounced and relatively easy to discern, I see no reason why a HT would be such a horrific idea for you to seriously look into. Of course, you probably shouldn't densepack anything resembling an 18yr old hairline, but there can be a middle ground that is appropriate for you. Would you still be taking a risk? Sure, you pretty much always will be. Is it a huge risk or a small risk...and most importantly is the risk worth it to you?


You sound depressed -- actually, you pretty much stated you are depressed. But, and I could be off, your feelings seem to not be contained to just hairloss and aren't even really being propelled by the hair loss itself. Without actually knowing you, or even seeing a picture of you, I would:


*Consult with a couple of reputable, elite clinics...just see what they have to say, don't have to commit.

*Go to a good dermatologist and get your skin taken care of....face wash, pills, w/e works.

*Exercise if you aren't already...even if it is really basic stuff....build off of it, and stick with it for at least a consistent month.

*Try buzzing/shaving your head and getting a mild, but appreciable tan.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Guest youngguy24

Bill you are a good and honest person...there is not a doubt in my mind about this!!!Your hair transplant looks awesome!!! But I'm so scared for you and the other youngsters on this forum who have had a transplant. I see all these people who are older who are Norwood 7+ and scares the shit out of me.

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Guest youngguy24



I read your post and think you are wise regardless of your age. I was on propecia for 3 years and have been off for about 6 months. I shave my head and look ok. I went off because i felt like shit when i was on it. But recently found out propecia was not the cause of me feeling bad. It was due to q poor sleep pattern...which i have since fixed and recently have felt great! But still feel cheated about hair loss!

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Good to hear that you've tried shaving your head, and that it looks alright -- out of sight, out of mind, or so they say!


Regarding hairloss, especially when you are young, the bottomline is that you need to find resolution, however you get that.


Perhaps it is a single thing or a combination of things; be it concealers, HTs, shaving your head, exploring a new hobby, developing ones you already have, working out, etc. Losing my hair has been a huge thing for me; BUT, I wouldn't be being totally honest if I said it was the be all and end all for life's occasional woes; to put TOO much stock into it, and use it as a crutch/scapegoat for every single thing that bothers me, annoys me, depresses me wouldn't be in my actual best interest....ya know? You have to look at the totality of your situation, imo, and figure out the right combination of "pieces" that make sense for YOU!


Try to be optimistic; it is something of an intangible notion, but I do give a lot of credence to "mind over matter". Get in the zone, you are probably at something of a low right now, fight through it, slowly but gradually make improvements and it will get better n' better.


BTW, I used to be a full fledged insomniac so I know what half-way decent sleeping patterns can do for ya!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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This is a great time for you. Shave your head and get the hairloss off your mind. Do you know how jealous I am of friends that look great with shaved heads. They NEVER have to worry about a bad hair day. They throw on a hat and when off they look the same. There is freedom for them. Please don't consider a HT if you believe that it is something you will worry about in future. If 24 and already a NW5 with limited donor I would not recommend it. Enjoy life my friend. Trust me, there will be a day when your hair is not the priority that it seems to be now. Good luck with things.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Time for the consultant to chime in. If you like the way you look with a shaved head then I have some pretty sobering advice for you. DON'T get a hair transplant. I think a good shaped noggin that is shaved looks really good. In fact, when I was younger and before I had my first two disasters thanks to Dr. Norris I too had a shaved head and I think it looked great. I only did it because it was required for the Merchant Marine school I attended but I got used it and eventually liked it quite a bit.


Start working out (if you don't already), eat right and maybe get a tan (debatable) and hair loss may become something that no longer bothers you. In addition, if you found out that Propecia was not the culprit for your ill feelings then maybe you should get back on it to see how you tolerate it now. No harm in keeping what you got.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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am I missing something?

didn't see your pics yet, but preciesely how do you know that you are not a good ht candidate?

Have you had a consultation yet?


Regarding your concern over older people who are NW7+'s and the possibility that one day many guys who have had ht's will end up like this: I too share this worry and I don't think it is addressed enough on here...

That being said, I believe that one who is destined to this ravaged state of baldness will end up their at a later stage in life. Hopefully 60+. Is the worth of a descent head of hair for 30 or 40 so years while your younger worth it? Yes, in my opinion.


A poster who goes by the handle London Lad is---WAS--- a NW6 and posted his pics on forums. Most guys told him they thought he was not a good candidate for a ht as it looked like his donor was too thin and small. But have you seen his results? Turned out amazing! As a matter of fact he just went in for a second procedure and is told he has PLENTY of donor left in the bank. My point/inquiry is: have you actually had a professional opinion on your situation yet?

Im not getting the responses on this thread that aren't pointing you to a professional opinion...

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it is obvious that this is an area which is causing you some discomfort. Seek options, whether it is meds or concealers there are things you can do.


Nobody will push you to get a HT and if you are against it dont do it. I understand you are upset but take a deep breath and look at you options.


As far as progressive loss, this is why we suggest people wait until they are a bit older to even think about getting a HT. It is esstential you stabilzie loss so you can plan accordingly. Remember, in 10 or so years there maybe be more treatments available so the person who has a HT will benefit as well from maintaining their hair as well.


For me it just buys time until a treatment is found. Hair transpantation can give you ( with the right situation) a full looking head of hair.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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