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hair restoration regrets?

Guest josh - b

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In the UK your can get propecia or proscar from your doctor on prescription but your have to pay for it ,some meds are free on our national health service but sadly not hair loss meds , not sure how it works for you guys in the US .


I looking forward to showing off my funky hair cuts and various colours as it grows out hahahaha ,i'm confident i'll get the density i asked Dr Feller for ,mathmatically above 60graft per sqcm and end up with surfer hair hahaha


Good luck bro


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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"Hey ngtgb


Are you on meds yet ? and if not why not ?"-richie48


My bad, I thought he was referring to another kinds of meds. I know I've wondered - what's he on? - just sometimes icon_biggrin.gif...ha, ha. Having a little fun with you notgoing2gobald (see how spelled out your whole long name?).


Any doctor should be able to prescribe propecia for you. Some people get it off the internet and purchase the generic brands.


For those who purchase Propecia, and if you have a membership to costco or sam's club, they carry it at the lowest prices.

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If anyone has medical insurance all you need is a prescription for Finasteride and two refills, that will last one year. Buy your pill cutter and a 30 day bottle lasts 4 months. A year costs me a measly $15.00



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One of the best decisions I've made in my life was to undergo hair transplant surgery.


Hair loss significantly impacted how I felt about myself and it even prevented me from going to certain social situations where hats were deemed inappropriate.


You can read how hair loss has impacted my life, how I restored my hair, and the difference it made in my life by clicking here.



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Guest josh - b



I don't think my hair texture has changed from taking fin . I think it has marginally thickened up my crown but i readily admit i could be imagining that.

However, it has absolutely done wonders in strengthening up my hair and maintaining what i have.

It should take no more than 2000 fu to edge out the 'landing strips' a little and thicken a little behind my hairline. My top and crown, although diffuse, are being handled by dr fin for now. Actually i'll post a pic in my next post to give u an idea.




Best of growth to u.



I'm more than well aware that you're one of the 'happy ones'. lol

Do u now have a large room full of old hats gathering dust?

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josh b,from that photo i think your wasting money on a ht.what "landing strips"?

is this a good photo,are you thinner than it shows?to me you look fine,i would not risk my scalp with that little hairloss.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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your hair does look pretty damn good. Maybe that pic is decieving. I say this because I wear my hair similar to yours only shorter. This is pretty much the only style I can figure out if your a diffused thinner with a 'v' shape recession; and Im so damn tired of this hair style!!! Im guessing if you push your hair back the hair line is quite a bit further back than the pic reveals?


How do you know fin is working for you, especially with respect to the top? You said the texture didn't change but it made your hair stronger. That is what I meant, does it feel stronger? thicker? could you clarify a bit?


Im just curious when people say its working for them, what should I expect to see change in my hair...

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Hey ngtgb


What you should expect to happen is this ..... your hair shafts become thicker ,so any longer hair looks and feels heathier , with the thicker hair it becomes stronger so can be styled more easily or even stands up on it's own rather than flopping flat on your scalp ,it does little for the really miniturized hair ,they will improve in health but only marginally and mostly stay as peach fuzz type hair .


So the parts of your hair which have miniturzed the most ,whether that be your temples or crown will have minor improvement ,however the rest of your native hair will see alot of improvement .


You have already seen my med crown pics which show an improvment ,this is the evidence which supports my theory




these pics show june 2006 to nov 2007 just on meds ,as you can see my exsisting hair has very much improved ,however were my loss was the thinnest,i had minor improvement ,i had no side effects .


That's what to expect bud


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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richie, thanks. Man you really had a ton of improvement. Im going to get on this stuff pretty soon here.

I can't wait to thicken my shaft out...





even if the pic of your hair is not deceptive in any way (i.e. your hair line on the sides is not way further back) you are going to have one ass-kickin' moxy mop when all is said and done!!! Plus given your age you don't have to worry about dense packing that hairline up pretty well. Your do is gonna get some serious envy on here.


You said your a NW3? I hate these stupid NW "levels." they say there are so many variations within each one, whats the point? Your description of your hair loss is much more accurate than the NW levels...

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Hi Josh

i think your making the right decision having a ht as you`ve done your research and if you are personally not happy with your appearance and have the opportunity to get it sorted then go right ahead.

i wish you all the best with your ht.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Guest josh - b


Do u think that hair restoration is exclusively the domain of the slick bald?

I'm 34, my hairloss has stabilised thanks to fin so why shouldn't l look to improve it.

The pic isn't deceiving. What is though is the fact that i have very wavy/curly hair which makes my hairloss look much better than it actually is. I've attached 2 more pics of my hair wet to give u a better idea.



Thank u very much.




While my hair loss isn't that bad the big problem is that the frontal third is so thin that i can't style it all so i'm gonna sort it out. Its called hair greed. Thats why we're all here. lol.

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those last 2 pictures show your hair loss a lot more. The first one didn't look so bad. This might be a great time for you to have a HT because you still have enough hair to cover the work while it's healing.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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josh b,my apologies looking at your new pics i can see where you are coming from icon_smile.gif.i dont believe ht,s are solely for the slicks,but i cant lie it does get my goat when i read a post and then click on a pic and johnny depp stares back at me.but you are thinning quite a bit so i grant you permission to go ahead icon_biggrin.gif

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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balody--joshb: you two done flirting yet?





yeah Im all for it!!! If you can better your appearance and get the most damn hair you can, then I would do the exact same thing if I were you. Don't even begin to tell me your tired of styling it that way, because I style my hair similarily because it is the ONLY way you can style hair like this...and Ive been doing it for like 6 fuc$ing years!!!!



your gonna have a killer do when all is said and done...

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Guest josh - b



Thats what i was thinking. I have more than enough native hair to camoflage a hair transplant well , so a good time to go.



thanks for your comments.My curly hair works well in disguising whats going on. Thats why i thought i should post some worst case senario ringing wet pics. Now that i have your regal permission i can finally go ahead. icon_smile.gif

...and I completely understand what you're saying about the johnny depp mop looking back at u.



thanks man,


When we gonna see this famous noggin of yours?

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Thanks for sharing your pics Josh. You're loss isn't too bad but nothing wrong with filling it in some to achieve your desired results. It's all a personal preference as to what is right for each individual as long as they've done their research and the Dr performing the procedure is ETHICAL/Qualified and is looking out for the best interest of the patient and not just their wallet. Most NW5+'s would die to be a natural NW3 and can't imagine them getting an HT and so on up the NW line. I think we all have this type of "if I only had one more" type of mentality.


I also definitely agree with Balody that some people have somewhat of a distorted hair image similar to Huge roided out mucles heads and anorexics where they never think enough is enough. Here's an example of someone I think 99.999% of the people would agree shouldn't get an HT yet he still went in for a shit load of grafts. Here's my damn, if I only had his hair moment :-) http://www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/galleryview.cfm?id...sOfHair|gallery1.cfm

As an NW3 with decent hair I'd imagine your feeling is that this guy should never even think about getting an HT. I imagine that's probably what alot of NW6's would feel about looking at your pics.


Best of luck to you!


I also agree with NG2GB that the NW charts kinda suck.

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An Armani patient. Shocker.


Good thing he isn't packing in super high numbers of grafts into low NWs to help mask the poor yield that is inherent in brute-force FUE megasessions. Oh, wait....


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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fuc$ing greedy bastard!!!

I hope he goes realLY, reaLLY, REALLY BALD in 5 years and ends up with a 1 cm line consisting of 100 grafts per square---like a thick hairy smiley line above his eye brows---and has no hair all the way in the back of his head...


NW level categorization totally suck, doesn't carry any weight, and is absolutely archaic in my opinion. This is the 21st century for Gods sake, can't we come up with something better then that? It looks like something they found in a cave somewhere during the pre-historic period...


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Guest josh - b


Thank u for your wise words...indeed we do all suffer from the "if only i had more" mentality.

However, i urge u not to post any more 'johnny depp mop' pics as i fear balodys blood pressure will rocket to the moon and never return icon_biggrin.gif

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Hey Joshb,


I believe you were talking to A Australian ht surgeon is this right? If so who have you been to see?


I also live in Oz and have been searching for doctors for past 6 months, I have yet to come across a surgeon that gives me confidence in booking a procedure.


Look forward to hearing from you

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